Corps Begins Lowering Beaver Lake

In: General Lake Info

27 Jun 2010

The Army Corps of Engineers announced Tuesday afternoon that it will begin making releases June 24 through the hydropower turbines at Beaver Dam to bring the lake level down to elevation 1,121.4 feet, which is the top of the conservation pool.

Beaver Lake is currently at elevation 1,124.7 feet. The high lake levels were caused by repeated rains during the spring, officials said.Owners of docks on Beaver Lake are being advised to move their docks as needed to prevent them from grounding as the lake recedes. Officials also cautioned anglers downstream from the dam to be extra vigilant because currents will be strong and swift and said downstream boat dock owners should ensure their docks are properly secured to withstand high flows.In the absence of any further heavy rain, the lake level will drop between one-quarter and one-half foot each day, officials said. Hydropower generation releases will average between 18 to 24 hours per day and continue until the lake falls to elevation 1121.4 feet. Without additional rainfall, the higher release rates will continue into the first week of July, officials said.Anyone interested in Beaver Lake levels can monitor the Little Rock District’s water management webpage at

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